No:-DLW/P/Rectt./Act. Apprentice/ 45’h batch /ITI & Non ITI/21-22
Office of the: – GM/P
Dated:- 26/03/2022
NOTIFICATION No: 45th Batch Act.Appt./2021
Last Date of Receipt of Online Application ‘- 26/04/2022 (16:45 Hrs)
Pay Fee online Last date’-26/04/2022 (16-45 Hrs) Last Date upload Document:-28/04/2022(16:45 Hrs)
Under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (45th Batch ITI and Non ITI), there is a proposal to make a panel through online process for the 374 seats (300 ITI + 74 Non ITI holders) for candidates training in the following trades in terms of the Railway Board’s letter No. (MPP) 2009/6/14 Dated 06.10.2015. The number of apprentices can be changed based on requirements. The details of seats, educational and technical qualifications are as under:-
1. No. of seats with community wise break-up, relevant trades of ITI & Non ITI :-
Details of ITI Seats
S N.. | Trades | Number of Seats | Sum | ||||
SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | |||
1 | Fitter | 16 | 08 | 29 | 11 | 43 | 107 |
2 | Carpenter | 01 | 02 | 03 | |||
3 | Painter(Gen.) | 04 | 01 | 02 | 01 | 02 | 07 |
4 | Machinist | 10 | 05 | 18 | 07 | 27 | 67 |
5 | Welder(G&E) | 07 | 03 | 12 | 04 | 19 | 45 |
6 | Electrician | 11 | 05 | 19 | 07 | 29 | 71 |
7 | 45 | 22 | 81 | 30 | 122 | 300 |
Details of Non ITI Seats
S.N | Trades | Number of Seats | Sum | ||||
SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | |||
1 | Fitter | 05 | 02 | 08 | 03 | 12 | 30 |
2 | Carpenter | ||||||
3 | Painter(Gen.) | ||||||
4 | Machinist | 02 | 01 | 04 | 02 | 06 | 15 |
5 | Welder(G&E) | 02 | 01 | 03 | 01 | 04 | 11 |
6 | Electrician | 03 | 04 | 05 | 02 | 07 | 18 |
7 | Total- | 12 | 05 | 20 | 08 | 29 | 74 |
According to the Railway Board’s, letter No E(MPP)/2005/6/11 dated -15/05/2006, on the basis of availability of applications in the above notified Seats 3% ( ITI- 09 Seats & Non ITI-02 Seats) will be reserved under PWD quota. The reservation provided for them is to be placed in the appropriate category viz. UR/SC/ST/OBC to which he belongs.
According to Boards letter No – E(MPP)/2005/6/11 dated -31/07/2006, on the basis of availability of applications in the above, notified Seats 3% ( ITI- 09 Seats & Non ITI-02 Seats) will be reserved for Ex- serviceman and serving soldiers/officers. The reservation provided for them is to be placed in the appropriate category viz. UR/SC/ST/OBC to which he belongs:-
a) Ex-Servicemen.
- Child ren of deceased/disabled Ex-serviceman including those killed/disabled during
peace time.
- Child ren of Ex-serviceman.
- Children of Serving Jawans.
- Child ren of Serving Officer.
If the desired number of OBC, SC and ST candidates is unavailable, the remaining seat will be filled with the following candidates.
- SC/ST —¥• OBC/UR
iv.According to the Boards letter No – E(MPP)/ 2002/6/10 dated -17/06/2011 and letter No 2019-E(SCT)1/25/1 dated-07/02/2019 “Community reservation will be SC-15%, ST-7.5% , OBC-27% and EWS 10%
The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an income and asset certificate issused by a competent Authority . The Income and Asset Certificate issused by any one of the following authorities in the presscribed format as given in Annexure-I shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS:-
- District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/ 1st class StipendaryMagistrate/ Sub-Divisional M agistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Comm issioner.
- Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
- Revenue Officer not below the rank of tehsildar and
- Sub- Divisional Officer or the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
- Income Certificate of EWS candidate should be made after 01/07/2021.
V. Before the training of the candidate initiated he has to get registration number from Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training (RDAT) website in It shaII be mandatory to get the registration number otherwise Candidate’s candidature will be cancelled.
Minimum Education Qualification
- For Non ITI –
The Candidate must have passed 10*^ class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system} with minimum 50% marks. Candidate should have passed the prescribed qualification before the date of issue of notification. (26/03/2022)
- For ITI:-
The Candidate must have passed 10*h class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, from recognized Board and also must passed ITI in the relevant trades. Candidate should have passed the prescribed qualification before the date of issue of notification.
II l. Appearing Candidates in the above exams are not eligible to fill up the application, only those candidates can apply for the above mentioned seats who have academic and technical qualifications related to the certificate / Mark sheet issued before the date of notification. (26/03/2022)
- No weightage will be given for higher academ ic qualification I
- Candidates applying for notified Seats will have the National Council of Vocational Training / State Council Of Vocational Training (NCVT / SCVT) semester certificate / Marksheet in respective trade issuanced before the date of notification. (26/03/2022)
4 Applicant’s age limit should be calculated as per the last date 26/04/2022 of the submission of online application as mentioned below:-
- For Non ITI:-
- Non ITI candidate has completed 15 years of age, and is not more than 22 years old.
- For ITI:-
- ITI passed in the relevant trade has completed (Excluding welder and carpenter trade) 15 years of age, and not more than 24 years.
- Age limit for welder trade, and carpenter candidates from 15 years to 22 years only.
- Relaxation in age limit –
S.N. Community/Category
- Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes
- Other backward castes
- Physical Handicap
Above age limit (or) maximum age limit 05 Years
03 Years
UR—10 Years, SC/ST-15 Yr., OBC-13 Yr.
- Ex-Servicemen candidates who The service period provided in the Defence forces is plus have completed not less than 6 3 years, which should not be more than 10 years months continuous service after attestation
- Loco motor or Cerebral palsy (OH):- Candidates of this category are in the inability of bones of joints or muscles due to which the body parts are restricted or there is any condi1 n of cerebral palsy.
S.N. Trades
- Fitter
- Carpenter
- Painter(Gen.)
- Machinist
- Welder(G& E)
- Electrician
Disability Requirement (Not less than 40%)
Lower limb partially damaged from one side can be acoomi°. dated
One upper and lower limb partially damaged can be accommodated
cm upper and lower limb partially damaged oniy sn°.all finger damaged can join
A person without leg and without three finger of one hand partially lower i!mb candidates can be accommoctatecl
- Hearing Handicapped (HH):- Selected candidates of this category having 60 decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequency are eligible to apply.
- Low vision (VH) :
“Person with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive corrections but are potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
Person with Disability (PWD) who wants to avail the benefit of reservation must produce a disability Certificate issued by a competent authority (i.e. Medical Board duly constituted bV t he Central or State Government).
- The basis of selection –
The candidate’s candidature will be considered on the basis of merit list in each unit, Which will be prepared on the basis of percentage of marks in the Matriculation Exam ination (with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks). However, In the non ITI selection ITI passed candidates will be selected but they will not be given any weight age of ITI score, They must have only mark sheet / certificate of notified trade.
In case of two candidates having the same marks, the older age candidate shall be considered first.
In case of the dates of birth are also the same, then the candidate who passed matriculation examination earlier shall be considered first.
- Training –
- Selected candidate for training will have apprentice ship contract with BLW, and all candidates will be required to comply with all conditions of this agreement.
- During the training, candidates have to comply the rules mentioned in the Master Circular No.-08/2002 dated: 22/07/2002 under the apprentices act 1961 of the apprenticeship, instructor’s orders and the terms of the Apprenticeship contract, otherwise on violation training will be terminated.
- The duration of training will be as per National Council on Vocational Training / State Council of Vocational Training (NCVT / SCVT) certificate.
- Stipend:- Stipend will be paid as per Railway Board’s/Labour ministry instructions issued from time to time.
- General instructions for application:-
One candidate can apply for only one trade (ITI or Non ITI), Therefore, please fill the online application form carefully, The candidature will be cancelled on applying for both (ITI and Non ITI).
Application Fee:-
a) Application fee is Rs 100/. Candidates have to registered and make online payment till 16:45 hrs of date
- Online payment can be made through debit / credit card or internet banking.
C) The candidates applying under the seats of Act Apprentice will have to pay Rs 100/- and applicable
service charge will also to be borne by the candidate.
- Fee Rs. 100/- will not be refundable.
- No fee is required for SC/ST/PH and woman candidate.
- Except SC/ST/PWD/Female, if the candidates have not submitted the application fee, the application will be rejected.
- Last date for applying online form:- Dated-26/04/2022 16:45 Hrs
- Important Information:-
It is clarified that after the training, there will be no obligation to provide jobs to the apprentices by the Indian Railways and the BLW. As per Para-10 of Schedule II (Notified on 15/07/92) of the Apprenticeship Regulation 1992 there is no responsibility to provide the govt. job for Act apprentices training. The candidate should clearly note this provision.
- Important Instructions Regardinq Application:-
Only single online application (ITI or Non ITI) has to be submitted through the link “bIw•lTI/NONITI” Notification No 45th Batch Act.Appt./2021 provided on the official we bsite. “WWW.blw.indianraiIways•” or
- Candidates should submit all documents of their certificates, in JPG/JPEG/BMP format image, which should be
100 io 200 kb. I
- Candidate’s colorful photograph should be in JPG format image and size of 20 to 50 kb
- In addition to the online application, self-certified photo copy of required certificate must be uploaded on the link given on the official website of the (JPG image) form ate. The Candidature will be cancelled if following certificate will not be uploaded in (JPG image form ate):-
- High School (equivalent) marks Sheet and certificates (for Date of birth and educational qualification).
- Mark sheet of ITI / Certificate, Authorized by NCVT / SCVT. (For ITI qualification)
c) In case of SC/ST/OBC candidates, a certificate issued on Central Government format by appropriate authority OBC certificate (Non-Creamy Layer) Certificate should be issued on or after 01-07-2021.
- In case of Physical Handicap(OH/HH/VH) candidates, a certificate issued by C.M.0/Medical officer duly constituted by the Central or State Government (appropriate authority)
- If EX-Servicemen, attach EX-Servicemen related certificate.
- The details of application fee must be filled-up in the portal and upload on it.
- If EX-Servicemen, attach EX-Servicemen related certificate.
- The recent color passport Size photograph (Back ground White) should be of size 4 Cm X 5 Cm with name and date printed on it, the photo should have clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses.
- Candidates are advised to keep at latest 08 (Eight) copies of the same photograph for further use as and when
- required during the Act. Apprentice Training process.
- List of selected candidates will be uploded on the Official website of BLW, which is
”http://www. bIw.indianrailways”
- All the necessary original certificates will be verified, so the selected candidates will have to get ready on short notice to present in this office with self-certified photo copies of the document.
- The selected candidates will be required to be fit in the medical examination according to the prescribed standards.
- No daily allowance/ conveyance allowance or travailing allowance will be paid to the selected candidates who will be called for verification of certificates.
- Incomplete or incorrectly filled applications will be rejected.Candidates who make any recommendation will be declared disqualified.
- If any information is received regarding debarment of the candidate from any railway examination the candidature will be cancelled.
- The selection process will be completed on the basis of instructions issued by the Railway Board’s vide letter no. (MPP) 2009/6/14 dated 06.10.2015 and other instructions issued from time to time.
- The full authority to change the, notification or the result will be reserved with the BLW administration.
- In addition to the reasons for the cancellation of the application mentioned in para-12 above, BLW reserved the right to cancel the online application without any reason if any details or information or certificates mentioned in the application form is found wrong / fake the candidature’ ill be cancelled without notice.
Dep ief personnel officer/HQ